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If you desire to learn best practices and be the agent of change in your community and within our outreach scope, then you are at the right place.

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Help comes in many packages

And the help that any community need, starts with you. You may undermine what you are doing, but no matter how small, it can impact the life of someone out there.

Volunteer and member resources

And the help that any community need, starts with you. You may undermine what you are doing, but no matter how small, it can impact the life of someone out there.

Want to sponsor an event?

– We are changing the natives
– We are changing lives.
– We have a plethora of events
– If you want to write your name in the golden book, just let us know.

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Contact us to get started

If you are convinced to join the campaign, then fill the form. Well, you can also sponsor one of our events.

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

Call Anytime: (+237) 677 24 3375